Ant Poison and Solo Ad Vendors


What does ant poison have in common with solo ad vendors? Now, this question is not as sinister as it might seem, so just hang in there with me, ok?

The other day I watched Fleury, my cat, corral a huge black ant, taking it as hostage for a play buddy. On and off throughout that day, this scenerio repeated itself. There was no question about it: We had been invaded with a colony of these critters. Since I had the same problem last spring, and was sure I had extra ant poison stored away, I began the grand search. But, none could be found. So, off to the hardware store I went, while thinking up safe spots to place the chemical-filled traps where Fleury couldn’t get into them.

Another event this past week kinda went along these same lines as well.

I was preparing an indirect ad for presentation to solo ad vendors. A few days before, I had done my usual internet research and came up with three vendors who mirrored my needs for cost, had great testimonials, and rented their lists to MLM’s, including MOBE. Also, their Tier I percentages and conversions were great. I contacted them one by one via Skype, about 24 hours apart. When I didn’t hear back in 12 hours,I then e-mailed them, staggered as before. Four days into it, and I still had not heard back from even one of them. So I resumed the laborious task of research and came up with three more names, beginning the whole process again. It took me until vendor number 6, to get a response. The interview went well, and I bought my clicks from him.

Do you see any connections between these two scenarios? Beyond the fact they each involve me?

I identify the common denominators as foresight and preparation (or a lack thereof.) I knew I get ants in the spring but did not have the traps ready to go. As for the solo ad vendors, I knew I would be submitting an ad but lined up only three vendors, thinking for sure I would commit with one of the three (as I had in the past).

I learned from these events that I not only need to keep a reminder to buy ant poison at the first of each new year, but that I also have to keep an ongoing list of vendor possibilities, adding to that list on a regular basis, not just throwing together a list when I am preparing an ad to go out.

So, this is what ant poison and solo ad vendors have in common.

‪#‎susan‬ ‪#‎internetmarketing‬ ‪#‎affiliatemarketing‬ ‪#‎workfromhome‬ ‪#‎retirement‬

Logic and Emotion

While I know the business model is primarily one of logic and not emotion, I am, nevertheless, feeling a mixture of reactions as my Platinum coaching sessions draw to a close.

I am thankful- I was able to position myself in the Platinum learning track and thus be eligible for extended coaching.

I am grateful- I was fortunate to have had a wonderful coach. She supported my learning efforts while leading me to reach beyond my comfort zone.

I am excited- It is time for me to put my business knowledge to the test.

I am nervous- What if I can’t pull this off? This question then takes me to the real issue: Do I trust myself enough to just get out there and do it?

I have learned a lot in these few short months. I know about resources available to me: ongoing training, reference materials, and the support of other MOBE members.

I am choosing to believe I can do this. It’s official: I’m taking that leap of faith. I will do my very best and remain confident that my success will follow.

Baseball and Hotdogs


       I find a first row seat in the visiting team bleachers. How sweet is this!  And I’m not far from the grilling hotdogs; their sizzling convinces my stomach to feel hungry. Hope they’ll still be for sale when the game’s over. Want to get me one of those dogs.

But, now I need to keep my eye on the game; it’s already started. Home team is up. Sammy is crouched and ready behind home plate. Boy, that Sammy sure has great form. I can’t believe it!  Good catching plus he slams in those home runs.  Coach has a prize in that boy.  

The pitcher winds up and shoots a ball over home plate.

“Strike two”, the ump calls out. The bases are loaded. They need to strike that player out.

“C’mon Sammy”, I yell through open cupped hands. “Chatter to your pitcher. Get him all pumped up. That’s your job”.

Next throw was right over the plate. The bat connected; it was a homerun.

Well, we may have lost the game, but the hotdogs were great.

(Copyrighted 2016 Peters-Burg Affiliates)



Action Precedes Motivation


I found the following quote online and it “spoke” to me. Does it speak to you, as well?

According to Robert McKain, “The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true — action precedes motivation”.

He further says that “You have to’prime the pump’ and get the juice flowing, which motivates you to work on your goals”.

He then adds that “Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day”.

For me, a morning ritual is what leads me to be motivated. My goal is to be up, dressed, and – with coffee in hand- be ready by 8 AM to attack the business goals for the day. BY starting early, I feel prepared to track any ads I have running, work on any ads in progress, study for more knowledge of internet marketing, and set goals for the next day.

To not get sidetracked, I skip checking e-mails and facebook until I have my first break. I’ve found my concentration is better and I get more done by not opening up these programs at the start of my day.

I’m curious: What action(s) get you motivated to start your day?


I huddle into the bench at the bus stop. I can’t stop shivering. Need to get a heavier coat. Slow moving cars slip and slide just in front of me. The snow is blowing right at me, prickling my face and steaming up my glasses. My nose starts to run. I have to wipe it with my mitten. My fingers feel frozen. Where is that bus, anyway?

I look down the street to see if the bus is coming. But it’s snowing so hard I can’t see far. The white stuff just keeps piling up. A handful of people on the sidewalk near me walk bent over, faces down, as they trod against the force of the storm. A cluster of boys are throwing snow balls at each other, and then at the cars. That looks dangerous. Where are the police when you need them?

From the window of his fifth floor office, a man sees large snowflakes swirling in circles. He looks down on slow moving cars with snow -piled roofs. The cars slip and slide in the slush. Two men help push a car stuck in the middle of the street. The steeple across the way is dressed in a white fluffy cloak.

When he strains to look further, he can  just about make out a figure in a red coat sitting on the bench at the bus stop.  

It feels like Christmas.

Copyrighted 2016 Peters-Burg Affiliates



Why I Chose Platinum

When I first entered MOBE, I completed the 21 steps curriculum and purchased MOBE License
Rights so that I could legally sell their educational products for commission.I was assigned
short-term coaches, who were very helpful and supportive.

However, I realized the coaching assistance was soon coming to an end and I knew I had so much
more to learn about the internet marketing business. To help me decide what to do, I journaled
the pros and cons of staying with the MLR track vs.transferring to the Titanium or Platinum

Because I’d never done any marketing before, the deciding factors ended up being the extensive
coaching assistance and learning materials available to students in the Platinum program.
I have found the Platinum One- on- One coaching sessions to be invaluable, and have a large
selection of free study options at my fingertips.

As example, the online Traffic Masters Academy modules have been very helpful to me along with
the Platinum Inner Circle newsletters and training CD’s. And these two selections just scratch
the surface of the free training materials available to me as a Platinum member.

And don’t overlook the all- inclusive Platinum Mastermind events in places such as Figi;
everthing is paid for except our plane tickets.

So, if you are considering changing your educational track within MOBE, I suggets you
thoughtfully consider the Platinum option.(Copyrighted 2016 Peters-Burg Associates)

#susan #internetmarketing #affiliatemarketing #workfromhome #retirement

“Timmy’s Dog”

Early this past spring, someone left a puppy inside the back gate of our house.   I fell in love with that tiny beagle. But, my folks said I couldn’t keep the puppy- something about it being too expensive to keep and how it would need so much care.

“I’m really sorry,” my Mom said.

But then, my little brother Timmy grabbed onto that puppy and held it so close we couldn’t have gotten ahold of it even if we tried. It came as close to a hug as it could. Both my parents cried. You see, Timmy doesn’t hug. Not even our Mom. They gave in; the puppy became Timmy’s.  Probably because Timmy is different than other kids, that’s what I believe.

You see, Timmy is in 1st grade and has to go to a special class; he doesn’t talk and usually just sits on the floor and moves back and forth like he’s rocking in a chair. Sometimes he throws stuff, screams for what seems like hours, and even bites.

Well, anyway, we named the puppy “Timmy’s Dog.” He slept with Timmy and stayed right beside him all that weekend. It seemed like the puppy knew Timmy was different, and needed to be protected.

“Would you be willing to feed and walk ‘Timmy’s dog’”, Mom asked me. “It would help me, taking care of Timmy and all.”

“Sure, Mom,” I said. After all, somebody had to do it; Timmy sure couldn’t. And, even though I had wanted the dog for myself, I was glad Timmy got to keep him.

So, I wrote it all out. While Timmy ate, I would feed the puppy. Since I rode my bike to school, I‘d walk the dog after Timmy left in the morning, would come home for lunch and walk him again. Then, I’d walk him after supper and once more before bedtime; sounded simple enough to me.

But, Timmy had other ideas. In the morning, he’d refuse to eat his breakfast, screamed when it came time to leave his puppy and go to school. He’d miss the bus and scream all the way when Mom would have to drive him there.   Soon after Mom got back home, she’d get a call saying they weren’t able to calm Timmy down; that he would not stop screaming and she needed to pick him up from school.

Soon, Timmy refused to get out of bed in the morning, screaming and latching tightly onto the puppy. I heard my parents talking about it, wondering what they could do to fix things for Timmy.  Mom and Dad went to school to talk with the principal to see if Timmy could bring the puppy to school with him. As they told me later, the principal said that since there was just a few weeks until summer vacation that if they got a letter from Timmy’s doctor, saying the puppy was needed as a companion dog for him because he was “different”, that he could bring his puppy to school.  Also, they needed a copy of the record showing the puppy’s shots were up to date. The puppy couldn’t ride the bus and if he wasn’t friendly with the other kids, he couldn’t stay at school. The principal said he would tell all of this to Timmy’s teacher.

Mom and Dad asked if I could walk with Timmy and the puppy in the morning after breakfast. Then, Mom would drive Timmy and the puppy to school. Mom would pick Timmy and the puppy up at lunchtime, bring them home to eat, and she would walk with Timmy and the dog before she drove them back to school. Mom would pick them up after school and I was asked to walk with Timmy and the puppy when I got home from school. Then, Mom, Dad, or I would walk with them after supper and again before bedtime.

This plan worked well; Timmy stopped his screaming and he and the puppy were always together.  In no time at all, summer vacation started. Timmy was soon feeding and watering his pup without any reminders. We all took turns walking with Timmy and the puppy. Soon, we saw that Timmy could safely walk his puppy around our short block and was able to go alone. He always made sure he carried plastic bags for any clean-ups. He became a very responsible dog owner.

So, it was all a shock that day when the policeman knocked on our door to tell us that Timmy had wandered to the village pool, slipped in, and had drowned. He said the lifeguard had tried to give him CPR but it was of no use. The officer handed over Timmy’s dog, his hair glistening with water.

Though it’s been a year since his death, things never got back to normal at our house. We are all just so sad. And, I can’t stop thinking that people using the pool might not even know that his brother had drowned there one day last summer.

Copyright 2016 Peters-Burg Affiliates






Educational Pursuits and Income
This weekend, I am travelling out of state to attend my oldest grandchild’s graduation from University. Kayleigh has always held high aspirations. In her senior year of high school,she was able to attend the local community college to begin earning college credits.

From high school, she went directly into college and earned a Bachelor’s level teaching degree in environmental studies. She will now graduate with a double Masters degree: Journalism, and Public Policy. She says she may now take some time off, “to get a job and just live life for awhile”, but envisions Doctoral studies on the horizon.

I am so proud of her accomplishments. And though my formal education has not been on such a grand scale as hers, I also see how she and I each value the process of learning. It also comes to mind that, just as she is winding down her educational pursuits- if only for a season- I, her aging grandmother, have just embarked on further educational pursuits of my own.

By enrolling in MOBE, I have the exciting opportunity to tap into a new body of knowledge. I am learning all things new and am enthusiastic about utilizing that knowledge to supplement my income in these, my later years.

So, I’m writing this essay as hats off to Kayleigh for her accomplishments, and as hats off to me for choosing to once again go back to the classroom.(Copyright 2016 Peters-Burg Affiliates)



Margaret hates sports and feels downright put-upon, having to watch Sammy play baseball. She wishes she could find a boyfriend without kids. It’s so complicated when there are kids.

She would rather be dining out, or enjoying a movie- things that most couples like to do- instead of climbing in heels and a short skirt nearly to the top of the bleachers just to sit on a hard metal bench. Without a back rest to lean against, she hunches forward; her back begins to ache.

Looking down, she has trouble picking out Sammy. Is his number 24 or is it maybe 14?  What color is his uniform, anyway?

Margaret watches a ball being thrown then caught by a kid kneeling behind a white thing on the ground. The kneeling boy catches the ball then tosses it to the one who threw it. Margaret doesn’t comprehend any of this; what a waste of time.

She hears other bleacher-sitters cheering, groaning, and emitting shrill whistles. She can’t comprehend any of this, either. Nor, does she care to. She glances toward Sammy’s Dad, but he doesn’t notice; his eyes are glued on the game.

Margaret sighs.


How Can a Postage Stamp Be Compared To a Successful Internet Marketer?
Napolen Hill has said “The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.”

It can’t fall off during ground or air transport, or with the automated application of the barcode and mechanical sorting. If the letter loses its stamp, it is then transported to a remote encoding center for further processing; its mailing progress comes to a stand-still. So, to be a successful postage stamp, it has to remain stuck to the envelope from the time it’s mailed until the time it reaches its destination.

As internet marketers, it’s crucial that we also remain persistent in sticking with the tasks at hand. In the face of obstacles, or when self-doubt or even discouragement rear an ugly head, we can’t allow these situations to take the upper hand. In such cases, it’s imperative to muster up our endurance and stamina and to exhibit grit and tenacity.
To keep moving ahead toward our chosen destination, it is mandatory for we marketers to continuously stick to our business plan, goals, and personal accountability system. We need to continuously fight to keep our businesses from coming to a stand-still.

How Can a Postage Stamp Be Compared To a Successful Internet Marketer?
Napolen Hill has said “The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.”

It can’t fall off during ground or air transport, or with the automated application of the barcode and mechanical sorting. If the letter loses its stamp, it is then transported to a remote encoding center for further processing; its mailing progress comes to a stand-still. So, to be a successful postage stamp, it has to remain stuck to the envelope from the time it’s mailed until the time it reaches its destination.

As internet marketers, it’s crucial that we also remain persistent in sticking with the tasks at hand. In the face of obstacles, or when self-doubt or even discouragement rear an ugly head, we can’t allow these situations to take the upper hand. In such cases, it’s imperative to muster up our endurance and stamina and to exhibit grit and tenacity.
To keep moving ahead toward our chosen destination, it is mandatory for we marketers to continuously stick to our business plan, goals, and personal accountability system. We need to continuously fight to keep our businesses from coming to a stand-still.

Copyright 2016. Peters-Burg Affiliates.
#susan #internetmarketing #affiliatemarketing #workfromhome #retirement

Copyright 2016. Peters-Burg Affiliates.
#susan #internetmarketing #affiliatemarketing #workfromhome #retirement